If you have attended any of our Vertz Marketing classes for advanced advertising techniques on Facebook, you know about the unique ways you can focus your ads to your core demographic. There is an updated ad platform being released by Facebook in the coming weeks where you can target Facebook ads to existing in-house lists of customers or prospects. With this new platform, you will be able to upload your own customer or prospect list directly to Facebook and target any of these people who have Facebook accounts. Here’s how it will work.
1. You’ll take an existing customer database from your CRM system, email database, etc. and upload it in a special ad platform area on Facebook where you manage your ad accounts.
2. Based upon this list, Facebook will then match the email and/or phone number to find these people that have Facebook accounts.
3. Your specific targeted ad will be presented to these people as either a traditional ad or in their news feed as a sponsored story.
Now to alleviate privacy concerns, Facebook will not be giving advertisers a specific list of which Facebook users their uploaded prospect/customer list matches. However, you’ll be able to further target this list by the typical demographics including age, gender, marital status, interests, etc.
One core reason that Facebook has been as successful as it has with advertisers is because companies can target consumers in ways that were never before possible. With the upcoming ability to now upload your own prospect/customer lists and target these consumers, Facebook will only become that much more powerful with advertisers.