When it comes to engaging your potential new customers and clients, have you ever stopped to think about what they want to hear? If you’re selling goods or services, chances are your audience wants and needs to hear why they need what you are selling. They want to know how it will help them or make their life easier or bring them happiness. In short, they want to know what benefit it will bring them. So when you’re making your pitch, it’s important to clearly present what they need to hear.
What about when it comes to digital marketing efforts? Have you thought about your approach? Do you have an approach? When you are regularly putting your company’s name in front of your potential customer base on Facebook, on your website, in e-mail blasts, or on Twitter, should you take the same approach? Do you use every single opportunity to “make your sales pitch?”
When engaging in a successful digital marketing campaign, sometimes the approach needs to be a bit more nuanced than just simply making an out and out case for your company’s goods or services. Customers want and expect the content itself to provide some value to them. If they are reading an e-mail newsletter from your company, they want to see an interesting story or a helpful tip. They want to get something out of your content before they engage with you on a business transaction level. In that regard, it’s critical that the content you present in your digital campaigns is fresh, relevant, and interesting. Even if you sometimes don’t even make a pitch for your company’s services, potential customers will remember you by the content you present.
At Vertz Marketing, our expertise and years of experience have taught us important lessons about how to do digital marketing and do it effectively. When we work for you, we target your potential client base with relevant and fresh content that gets them engaged. We know how to navigate the nuanced world of digital marketing, and we do it better than anyone else in southeastern Wisconsin.
So if you know it’s time to ramp up your digital marketing efforts, give us a call today and put us to work for you. We’ll engage your potential clients and customers with the fresh and relevant content they have come to expect from the world of digital and social media marketing.