Though spring has officially been here in southeastern Wisconsin for almost a month, the weather is just finally starting to turn a corner so that it actually feels like spring. And after months of dark and cold, most of us are probably more than ready for it.
When the weather warms up and the days brighten up, there seems to be a buzz in the air. Perhaps that’s the reason behind the concept of “spring cleaning.” With the renewed sense of energy of the season, people take the chance to re-organize their houses, get rid of the old, and get everything put back in its proper place—kind of like hitting the “reset” button for the new year.
If you own or manage a business, the idea of “spring cleaning” isn’t a bad concept to apply at work as well. As Milwaukee area marketing experts, we can’t help but think of the idea of “spring cleaning” when it comes to marketing and advertising efforts. Permit a brief explanation:
Many small or medium-sized businesses know that marketing is important, but they just don’t know where to start. Oftentimes this leads to “best effort” marketing. A well-intentioned business owner might throw up a template webpage, but just not have the time to keep it current. Or perhaps he or she may start a Facebook page, but just not have the ability to use it strategically or consistently.
When it comes to your marketing efforts, now is a great time to do some “spring cleaning.” Your marketing efforts should be purposeful, coordinated, and consistent. If you have done a hodge-podge job of advertising or marketing, use the energy of the new season to clean it up.
At Vertz Marketing, we specialize in putting together organized and effective advertising campaigns. Give us a call today and let us help you clean up your efforts and get you going on the right track.