We’ve written quite a bit in the past about the importance of a business’ reputation. Though a reputation is something that is intangible and impossible to assign a dollar value, it might be the single most important asset your business has. And we’ve written in the past about the importance of nurturing and protecting your good reputation. It’s a very important subject for all business owners to pay attention to – no matter the size of your business.
We’ve also written in the past about the importance of how you visually present your business to the rest of the community is important to building and keeping a good reputation. Today we want to put a bit more of a narrow focus on that subject and address small businesses in particular.
Think back only ten or fifteen years. If you saw a small business with a great, professional-looking website, you’d think to yourself, “wow, I’m really impressed.” Or if you saw a “mom and pop” operation that put out a beautifully-designed brochure, you’d stop and really take notice. That sort of thing was usually reserved for big businesses with big marketing budgets.
Think about how things have changed in today’s word. With the rapid changes in technology, businesses of all sizes – even the very smallest—are practically expected to have a professional digital and print representation. It is no longer optional “icing on the cake” – it’s required if you want people to take you and your business seriously.
At Vertz Marketing, we know that the busy and hard-working business owners of southeastern Wisconsin understand the value of how they present themselves and their businesses, but also that they simply often have too much going on running their businesses to take the time and effort to focus on their marketing strategy. At Vertz Marketing, our experience with hundreds of clients means that we really do understand the nature of small businesses. When you partner with us, we will work tirelessly to provide your business with the kind of visual representation that accurately conveys the quality and integrity with which you run your business every single day. Give us a call today and let’s get started on growing your business.