Search engine optimization is arguably the most ever-changing aspect of digital marketing. It seems like each day Google and other search engines have released new algorithms to determine search scores, and it can be difficult to keep up. The trend of SEO as a whole over the past year or two can be described as becoming more “human.” The focus has shifted from technical “tricks” to developing quality content. Our team has been helping clients throughout Milwaukee stay up-to-date with SEO trends, and now we’re sharing a few tips to help improve your strategy.
Focus on your site’s speed
If you manage a site that is heavy in media content, you should pay close attention to the load speeds of each page. It may seem surprising, but this has quite an effect on your SEO score. Basically, even if your site has relevant content, a visitor won’t want to wait ages and ages for it to load. Have your developers optimize images so they’re better sized for web and make other adjustments where necessary.
Build a responsive site
This one can become a pretty huge project, especially if you have a large site. Responsive design allows your website to automatically resize and configure the layout, images, and text depending on the size of the device it’s being viewed on. You can imagine why it’s absolutely essential for a great SEO, as more than half of all searches are done on mobile devices. If you’re wondering where a good place to invest would be, this should be a top consideration.
Check for duplicate content
Search engines like to find high quality content on your site, but not if it’s redundant. It’s a good idea to check your site for duplicate content using tools like Search Console in the Google Webmaster Tools. It helps you see any meta titles or descriptions that may be the same, or where page content might be duplicated. They’re simple fixes, but hugely helpful.
Want to get a jump start on improving your SEO efforts? Give us a call at 262.910.4125 to schedule a complimentary SEO analysis for your company in the Milwaukee area. We’d be happy to help determine the best approach!